Transform Your Swing Program
Golfers, from the weekender to the low handicapper to the professional, are you looking to:
- Play more?
- Increase your stamina on the course?
- Play with little to no pain at all?
- Increase your efficiency?
- Drive longer?
Golf Professionals, would you like to see your members:
- Play more rounds?
- Spend more time on the range and taking lessons?
- Have stronger relationships with your club professionals through increased swing confidence and body movement comprehension?
It is all possible through Transform Your Swing and Titleist Performance Institute Fitness Training.
Transform Your Swing begins by assessing your swing characteristics by taking you through the TPI 16 physical screen evaluation on a Pass/Fail basis. The test is designed to help diagnose where potential dysfunction and compensation is occurring in your swing. Once completed, we will review the results to determine if your swing has potentially been affected and essentially re-train and re-awaken your body to new and improved movement patterns.
“The body works in an alternating pattern of stable segments connected by mobile joints. If this pattern is altered - dysfunction and compensation will occur.”
Below are what TPI calls the Four T's which can be real game changers and normal pattern disrupters.
The Four T's:
- Traumas - Accidents, Posture, Repetitive Injuries
- Thoughts - Stress, Anxiety, Mental Collapse
- What you eat, What you breathe, What you drink
- Technique - Poor Learned Skills, Muscle Patterns
The goal is developing stronger movement patterns and turning potentially game ending bad habits of the Four T's into potentially game changing and score lowering habits. It all begins with consistency and confidence in your repetitions from the set up to the downswing. Together, we will create a plan of action to correct your limitations or further strengthen your core attributes through balance, core and strength training. All will provide you with the ability to play more rounds, drive with length and power and most importantly limit or eliminate pain.
“A golfer must develop the core musculature to maintain the postural positions required of the golf swing, sequence each phase of the swing correctly, and generate speed into the impact position.”